I've realised that I don't post enough shots of the details from my work. It's all super detailed but that's tricky to convey online. So I'm posting a buch of close ups from each of my animals.
A close up gallery from my solo show.
Source: http://
I've realised that I don't post enough shots of the details from my work. It's all super detailed but that's tricky to convey online. So I'm posting a buch of close ups from each of my animals.
Yesterday I had a great time hanging out with Eryn at the Makery while I worked on a new piece.
This illustration of a snake contains 50 hidden treasures. I'll have the list included in the final finished work. I have a bunch of other gear stashed in this heaps good store on Oxford St. Head in and have a rifle through my stuff.
A top shot with an iPhone rolled by and took this great photo of me in action through the window.
New circular stickers being made for my print packaging.